Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series | ValpoScholar | Valparaiso University Research

Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series

A Common Thread

A Common Thread is a student-run literary journal located at Valparaiso University in Indiana. Each issue features poetry, fiction and flash fiction, art, photography and comics, drama and screenplays, and creative nonfiction and flash creative nonfiction, all on a single theme. The theme for Issue #2 is “Scars.”

Submissions are closed at this time.

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Bridge/Work is the undergraduate journal of the Institute for Leadership and Service at Valparaiso University. The Institute seeks to prepare students for lives of leadership and service by helping them connect the dots between study, service, and success -- leading to a stronger sense of calling and purpose in society. Bridge/Work serves as an outlet which allows students to explore such themes in a more formal academic style.

The Institute is also excited to announce our Spring 2018 Conference "Preserve and Prosper? Method, Morality and Meaning and the Threat of Climate Change" which will be held Saturday, April 21 from 8:30am - 2:00. For more information visit the conference webpage here.

See the About This Journal for a more intensive description of the journal.

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Journal of Mind and Medical Sciences

Impact Factor Journal Citation Indicator
2023 IF: 1.6 JCI: 0.43
Q2 (124/325) Q2 (131/329)

Attention: JMMS, the Journal of Mind and Medical Sciences is in the process of moving to a new website. The new website is: Contact details for inquiries: Managing Editor - Dr. Alina Talpalaru, email:

Journal of Mind and Medical Sciences (JMMS, J Mind Med Sci) pays special attention to papers related to mental and medical topics, focusing primarily on interdisciplinary and integrative perspectives. It is an online and open access journal, no charges being received for submission, review, and publication of articles. The journal adheres to the philosophy that high quality and original ideas and information should be freely shared within and amongst the scientific community, with the stipulation that the authors be acknowledged for their knowledge and contribution. Journal of Mind and Medical Sciences is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.

The journal is conducted by international norms of academic publishing, being listed by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), adhere to the most important and comprehensive ethical guidelines of COPE, it is member of CrossRef and indexed by several International Databases.

Since time is limited for many scientists, you may choose to submit the manuscript as a single word document (see the Template), but only after thorough documentation of the topic (About This Journal, Aims & Scope), Journal Policies (Policies) and requirements (Instructions for Authors) of the journal.

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Journal of Tolkien Research

The Journal of Tolkien Research (JTR) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal. It is an open access journal, and content will be published immediately once peer reviewers and editors have deemed it ready for publication.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

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Letras (Department of Foreign Languages)

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

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Midwest Social Sciences Journal

The Midwest Social Sciences Journal (previously Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences) is committed to interdisciplinary social sciences scholarship. Its mission is to facilitate and advance the social sciences scholarship by publishing high-quality research. The Journal recognizes and supports the many diverse perspectives and methods in social sciences that directly address social issues and policies, including research that makes contributions to social science methodology.

We neither espouse nor champion any specific theoretical, methodological, ideological or political commitments. The Journal is committed to intellectual integrity, rigorous standards of scholarship, and rational and civil discourse. Papers are accepted for editorial review and publication in the journal at any time of the year from members and non-members of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences.

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The Great Lakes Entomologist (Department of Biology)

Formerly the Michigan Entomologist (Vols.1-4), The Great Lakes Entomologist publishes papers dealing with nearly any aspect of entomology. Appropriate subjects are those of interest to professional and amateur entomologists in the Great Lakes region, North Central states, and Canada, as well as papers directed to a larger audience. The journal is open access, and articles are published as they are finalized.

This is the new website for The Great Lakes Entomologist. New issues will be published here in the future.

Copyright © 2024 by Michigan Entomological Society. Published by Valparaiso University.

For the Michigan Entomological Society, please visit:


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The Journal of Values-Based Leadership (College of Business)

The Journal of Values-Based Leadership (JVBL) is an international journal, published by Valparaiso University's College of Business. JVBL strives to publish articles that are intellectually rigorous yet of practical use to leaders, teachers, and entrepreneurs and focuses on converging the practical, theoretical, and applicable ideas and experiences of scholars and practitioners. For information about JVBL, please visit our About or Policies sections.

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Third World Legal Studies (Valparaiso University Law School)

The Third World Legal Studies was the official publication of the International Third World Legal Studies Association (INTWORLSA). It was published annually from 1983–2002 by INTWORLSA at the Valparaiso University School of Law. Each issue of TWLS was devoted to a discussion of a specific legal problem Third World countries.

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Valparaiso Fiction Review (Department of English)

Founded in summer of 2011 as a sister publication to Valparaiso Poetry Review (VPR), Valparaiso Fiction Review (VFR) is a publication of Valparaiso University and its Department of English.

For more information, please visit our Guidelines.

For any submission-related questions, please email the editors at

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Valparaiso University Law Review (Valparaiso University Law School)

The Valparaiso University Law Review is a scholarly journal that publishes articles, lectures, book reviews, and student notes submitted by law professors, judges, practitioners, and members of the Law Review.

See About the Review for membership information.

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