Home > LAW > VULR > Vol. 43 > No. 1 (2008)
Volume 43, Number 1 Fall 2008
Are Law Clerks Fair Game? Invading Judicial Confidentiality
Charles W. Sorenson, Jr.
Driving Off the Face of the Fourth Amendment: Weighing Caballes under the Proposed "Vehicular Frisk" Standard
Christopher M. Pardo
Survival of the Fittest: Federal Law v. State Law in the Context of Successor Liability under CERCLA
Matthew R. Chandler
A Disability is Not a Trump Card: The Americans with Disabilities Act Does Not Entitle Disabled Employees to Automatic Reassignment
Carrie L. Flores
The Untouchables: Why a Vocational Expert's Testimony in Social Security Disability Hearings Cannot Be Touched
Nathaniel O. Hubley
The Inevitable Discovery Doctrine: Indiana as the Exception, Not the Rule
Bradford R. Shively