Faculty Sponsor

Jana Stedman


College of Nursing & Health Professions (CONHP)


Physician Assistant

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Summer 7-24-2024


Objective: Compare progestin-only contraceptives and combination birth control in their efficacy of preventing pregnancy and the number of side effects, such as acute venous thromboembolism. Methods: Literature review conducted on PubMed, Google Scholar, and Valparaiso Library Summon. Included 5 studies including one nested case-control studies, one systematic review and meta-analysis, and three literature reviews. Results: The results of this literature have shown that progestin only mini-pill birth control are comparable in effectiveness of preventing pregnancy. Additionally, progestin-only contraceptives control were found to have a lower associated risk of acute VTE when compared to oral combination birth control. Conclusion: Providers should consider prescribing POPs to women considering starting oral birth control due to comparable effectiveness in preventing pregnancy and lower risk of acute VTE. Additionally, educating for both provider and patient is critical when choosing a contraceptive.

Keywords: progestin-only contraceptive, combined oral contraceptives, acute venous thromboembolism, contraceptive efficacy, contraceptive education
