Binary Modelimg of the Very Hot White Dwarf - Main Sequence Star Binary GD 803

Faculty Sponsor

Todd Hillwig


Arts and Sciences


Physics and Astronomy

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Summer 7-24-2024


The white dwarf GD 803 is known to be a non-eclipsing close-binary system. It has an orbital period of less than a day, a hot white dwarf as the central star, and a cool main sequence star as the companion. Using luminosity data, in our case, luminosities in the SDSS-g and SDSS-r filters, light curves showing how the luminosity changes over time were created. Model light curves can be generated through adjustable parameters using the PHOEBE binary star modeling software. These model curves can then be compared to the data. By altering parameters to get generated light curves that are as close as possible to the data, information about the system can be estimated. The temperatures, masses, and radii of both the white dwarf and main sequence star, as well as the albedo of the main sequence and the inclination of the system are what we attempt to narrow down with this method.

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