Volume 10, Issue 2 (2023)
Review Articles
Psychological violence and manipulative behavior in couple: A focus on personality traits
Carmela Mento, Clara Lombardo, Nicholas Whithorn, Maria Rosaria Anna Muscatello, Antonio Bruno, Maura Casablanca, and Maria Catena Silvestri p. 172-177
Barrett's esophagus as a premalignant condition; medical and surgical therapeutic management
Vlad Denis Constantin, Adrian Silaghi, Laura Florentina Rebegea, Stana Paunica, Anca Silvia Dumitriu, Doina Andrada Mihai, Ioana Paunica, and Dragos Epistatu p. 178-190
Evaluating the effectiveness of chess as a therapeutic tool in the comprehensive management of ADHD
Neilay Krishna Agarwal p. 191-195
Gastric cancer; actualities and perspectives of early diagnosis and targeted therapy
Adrian Silaghi, Laura Florentina Rebegea, Daniela Gabriela Balan, Anca Dumitriu, Stana Paunica, Cristian Balalau, Stefăniță Tenea Cojan, Dragos Epistatu, and Vlad Denis Constantin p. 196-208
From COVID-19 to long COVID; the forms of the neurological manifestations
Sana Ahuja and Sufian Zaheer p. 209-216
Diabetes mellitus: interdisciplinary medical, surgical and psychological therapeutic approach
Bogdan Socea, Adrian Silaghi, Laura Florentina Rebegea, Daniela Gabriela Balan, Cristian Balalau, Tiberiu Ștefăniță Tenea-Cojan, Doina Andrada Mihai, and Ioana Paunica p. 217-236
Sarcopenic obesity, pathogenesis, and treatment with a focus on exercise and protein intake
Yasemin Karaağaç p. 237-246
Sentinel node biopsy for personalized breast cancer management; advances and controversies
Rahim Al Moushaly, Daniel Ion, Octavian Andronic, Bogdan Socea, Alexandru Cosmin Palcau, and Dan Nicolae Paduraru p. 247-253
The role of inflammation in age-related macular degeneration
Diana Florina Tricorache, Ana Maria Dascalu, Crenguta Serboiu, Anca Bobirca, Dragos Cretoiu, Dan Bratu, Corneliu Tudor, and Laura Carina Tribus p. 254-259
Research Articles
Prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress after the COVID-19 pandemic period among students at the Medical University of Sofia; Significance of demographic, educational, and pandemic-related variables
Nadya Avramova p. 260-266
Perceived Stress and Religious Coping among Pakistani-Origin Emerging Muslim Adults Living in Pakistan and the United States: A Cross-Cultural View
Amna Khan and Kiran Bashir Ahmed p. 267-275
Endoscopic approach to recurrent inguinal hernia after previous open surgery
Doru Moga, Dragos Serban, Bogdan Geavlete, Crenguta Serboiu, Bogdan Serban, Ana Maria Dascalu, and Valentin Oprea p. 276-282
Coxarthrosis etiology influences the patients’ quality of life in the preoperative and postoperative phase of total hip arthroplasty
Madalin Bulzan, Simona Cavalu, Amir Mohamed Abdelhamid, Calin Tudor Hozan, and Florica Voiţă-Mekeres p. 283-294
Prevalent distribution of conscious processes on either side of the brain
Sohail Adnan, Mubasher Shah, Muhammad Fateen Rashed, and Sadaf Nawab p. 295-303
Best therapeutic practices in the management of obstetric sepsis
Gabriel Petre Gorecki, Oana Denisa Balalau, Diana Elena Comandasu, Anca Daniela Stanescu, and Dana Rodica Tomescu p. 304-311
Follow-up care after metabolic surgery – a prospective study in the North-Eastern region of Romania
Sorina Boariu, Ana Maria Scutariu, Adrian Cureniuc, Anamaria Meuca, Roxana Adriana Stoica, Anca Mihaela Pantea Stoian, and Delia Reurean Pintilei p. 312-320
Revascularization impact: quality of life enhancement in chronic limb-threatening ischemia
Cristian Traian Paius, Vlad Denis Constantin, Alexandru Carap, Andrei Tarus, and Grigore Tinica p. 321-329
Prevalence of comorbidities and survival analysis of COVID-19 patients – an observational study from a tertiary healthcare center in North West Romania
Mihaela Simona Popoviciu, Lorena Paduraru, Roxana Adriana Stoica, Anca Pantea Stoian, Claudiu Teodorescu, and Simona Cavalu p. 330-338
Is open surgery still part of the current treatment of inguinal hernias?
Dan Bratu, Alin Mihetiu, Alexandra Sandu, Crenguta Serboiu, Corneliu Tudor, Laurentiu Simion, Dragos Cretoiu, Florin Bobirca, Dragos Davitoiu, Bogdan Serban, and Claudiu Eduard Nistor p. 339-346
Periodontal status and inflammatory markers in gingival crevicular fluid of patients with periodontitis and colorectal cancer
Sandu Râmboiu, Flavia Mirela Nicolae, Andrada Soancă, Dorin Nicolae Gheorghe, Dora Maria Popescu, Bogdan Silviu Ungureanu, Dragoș Nicolae Mărgăritescu, Adina Turcu-Știolica, Mihail Virgil Boldeanu, Valeriu Marin Șurlin, Dan Ionuț Gheonea, and Petra Șurlin p. 347-355
Case Presentations
Giant renal cell carcinoma in a patient with ipsilateral lower limb hypertrophic lichen planus; Case report and literature review
Silvia Popescu, Dumitru Peța, Zoltan Janos Kövér, Dumitru Toma, Ioan-Teodor Cristea, Mihaela Anca Popescu, Oana-Denisa Bălălău, Romina-Marina Sima, Gabriel-Petre Gorecki, and Călin Giurcăneanu p. 356-363
Subungual squamous cell carcinoma leading to arm amputation
Ovidiu V. Fabian, Emilia Maria Pătruţ, Mădălina Șteţca, Radu Mircea Galasiu, Vlad Zolog, Adriana Zolog, Iacob Domşa, Ioan Șimon, Anca Mihailov, Olga Hilda Orăşan, and Flaviu Mureşan p. 364-369

- David L. Rowland, Valparaiso University
- Ion G. Motofei, Carol Davila University
Publishing Advisor
- Jonathan Bull, Valparaiso University