The Valpo Core Reader


Alisha Hoffman

Document Type

Portfolio Introduction Essay

Publication Date



This whole semester I have had my science teacher tell me that my body is made of millions of atoms I will never see, my sociology teacher tell me that the United States is not the land of opportunity for all. I thought it was, my psychology teacher tell me we form our own realities around us, and my core teacher give me insight into human nature through harder texts than anything I've seen before. I no longer have a passive education where I go to school every day and have facts pounded into my head. Teachers expect a deeper understanding of the material and how it relates to life. Each one of my classes seems to have helped me form a new perspective. Sometimes I feel as if I'm drowning, but it is in that drowning that I am seeing my life from a new perspective: all the learning I have done in the past is just to help me realize I truly know nothing.
