The Valpo Core Reader


Bret Hassler

Document Type

Portfolio Introduction Essay

Publication Date



As it comes time to tum in my portfolio, I almost wish I had more time to work on the papers. What began strictly as a writing assignment turned into a chance to delve into my thoughts and express them in unique ways on the paper. The class itself has been an opportunity to crack open my mind to new ideas and new ways of thinking, but only through the writing can these new ideas come through. Class does not allow us to go into detail about each of our own personal experiences, and only through writing do these experiences begin to take shape with other connections. When I began each paper, the initial ideas were separate, lacking connection. I did not even see any connections, but as the words began to flow on the paper, connections started occurring. Connections between my experiences, between the texts, and between the texts and my life began to emerge.
