Faculty Sponsor

Jana Stedman

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Physician Assistant Program

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Summer 7-24-2024


Objective: To determine if platelet rich plasma has an effect on improvement in healing, function, and pain levels in orthopedic conditions. Methods: The studies included were a triple blinded randomized control study, randomized control trials, meta-analysis, and systematic reviews. Results: Overall through this research, there is limited evidence on PRP injections for healing purposes, however a significant amount of evidence shows improvement in both function and pain levels with PRP injections over time. Conclusion: The use of PRP injections have shown optimal results over time for both pain and function, however more research is needed to be conducted with a larger sample size to increase the validity of the findings.Keywords: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Healing, Function, Pain, Orthopedic Conditions

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Sam Tsiongas has a special interest in emergency medicine and is planning on moving to Indianapolis following graduation. He will be presenting on Platelet Rich Plasma Injections for Orthopedic Conditions because he has a specialist interest in natural approaches to medicine due to the skepticism by the general population of pharmacotherapy and its increasing popularity around the nation.
