Implications of Deliberate Cold Water Immersion on Cardio-Metabolic Disease

Faculty Sponsor

Jana Stedman




Physician Assistant

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Summer 7-24-2024


Objectives: Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is a thermogenic and metabolically active tissue that has been hypothesized as a potential target to combat metabolic disease in humans. The aim of this review is to analyze the existing evidence regarding cold water immersion as a mechanism to activate BAT and thus influence cardiometabolic health.

Methods: This was accomplished by utilizing the Valparaiso Library Summon Database, Google Scholar, and PubMed for up to date research articles.

Results: After analyzing the available literature, clear correlations were appreciated between BAT activation and improved markers of metabolic health in both healthy and metabolically unhealthy rodents and humans. It was also clearly demonstrated that cold water immersion is able to effectively activate brown adipose tissue, as well as influence the “browning” of white adipose tissue into an intermediate and more metabolically active beige adipose tissue.

Conclusions: The available date on the topic of cold exposure and cardiometabolic health suggests an optimistic future regarding protocols to promote positive short and long-term health outcomes. However, the degree to which the metabolically protective mechanisms associated with BAT activation are helpful for promoting longevity in humans is mostly unknown and will require a great deal more research going forward to solidify these interpretations.

Keywords: Brown adipose tissue, beige adipose tissue, inflammation, ice bathing, cardiometabolic disease

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Ethan has a special interest in diseases relating to the heart and plans on working in CT surgery or Cardiology following graduation. He will be presenting on “Implications of Deliberate Cold-Water Immersion on Cardio-Metabolic Disease” because he has a special interest in exploring natural ways to promote health and longevity.

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