
Modeling Close Binary Systems Within Planetary Nebulae

Faculty Sponsor

Todd Hillwig


Arts and Sciences


Physics and Astronomy

ORCID Identifier(s)

Lilly Blanton, 0009-0004-3865-113X

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Summer 7-26-2023


Many fascinating and important processes in space occur in binary systems consisting of a white dwarf and a companion star in a very close orbit. Because of this, understanding this type of system is important to our overall understanding of our universe. These binary systems are born within planetary nebulae. However, only 26 such systems within planetary nebulae have been fully modeled, which isn't a large enough number to result in meaningful statistical data. In order to work towards increasing this number, I used the PHOEBE modeling software to obtain ranges for the secondary temperature, primary and secondary radii, secondary albedo, and system inclination for the close binary system in the planetary nebula Hf2-2. I constrained the primary temperature to a 20 kK range based on a previously published spectrum analysis, while both of the masses were held constant due to not having radial velocities available. I present here the resulting ranges for the parameters.

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