

M. S. RaoFollow


The purpose of this paper is to offer innovative tools and techniques to develop inspiring ideas. It explains the power of the subconscious mind to acquire creative and inventive ideas and unlock hidden potential. It differentiates between creativity and innovation and draws a blueprint to achieve creativity and innovation. It explains and elaborates on innovative leadership. It outlines the characteristics of innovative leaders and illustrates inspiring examples of innovative international leaders including Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg. It explains that failure is an integral part of innovation. It directs the reader to acquire as much information as possible in the innovation process. It emphasizes the importance of synthesis to generate more ideas. It reminds us that all seeds that you sow will not germinate and bear fruits. It concludes to strive from a theoretical and practical perspective to acquire innovative and inspiring ideas to achieve extraordinary success in your life.

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