
Corresponding Author

Musa Pinar


In the realm of a convenience store business, this study aims to examine: 1) customer perceptions of CSR activities, employee behavior, and value congruity; 2) the potential impact of respondent demographics on CSR activities, employee behavior, value congruity, and the likelihood of recommending convenience stores and fuel businesses; 3) the relationships between CSR activities, employee behavior, and value congruity, and 4) the impact of CSR activities and gender on the likelihood of customer recommendation of the brand. Based on 2000 surveys from the loyalty members, the study found that CSR activities, employee behaviors, and value congruity are important for business success and are significantly correlated, which indicates synergistic relationships. Particularly, the strong correlation between value congruity and CSR activities supports the importance of congruity (or alignment) between customer values and CSR activities. The findings indicate that CSR activities are significant predictors of the likelihood of recommending convenience stores and fuel businesses. As the first study to show this relationship empirically, this paper discusses the implications of the findings.
