
Corresponding Author

Mary Kovach


This manuscript intends to advance existing research, specifically, in gender dissimilar supervisor-employee workplace dyads by integrating #MeToo with our existing knowledge concerning supervisor power and employee motivation. With the #MeToo movement re-energized in 2017, power in leadership positions was redefined. As a result, power held by a supervisor is likely to influence outcomes based on gender and the employees’ source of motivation. Supervisors who believed they were successful through influence were more likely to exhibit power to achieve success. However, employees’ source of the motivation was a moderating factor in those outcomes. Meaning, outcomes were dependent on the type of power the supervisor was using, as well as the source of the motivation that the employee held. Thus, presumptions could be made that those exhibiting influence in the #MeToo movement maintained an intrinsic motivation, believing they could control the outcomes of these situations.
