Home > JOURNALOFTOLKIENRESEARCH > Vol. 20 (2024) > Iss. 2
The English and the Welsh: Tolkien’s Rewriting of History in the LegendariumAlexander Retakh
Antiphons of Iron and Blood: The Inspirations of Tolkien's PoetryPatrick J. Lyon
A Response to Claudio Testi on Tolkien and AquinasSeth Kreeger
The Feanorian Alphabet Part 2 [and] Eldarin Pronouns (2024), by J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Arden R. Smith and Christopher GilsonAndrew Higgins
The Songs of the Spheres: Lewis, Tolkien and the Overlapping Realms of their Imaginations (2024), edited by Łukasz Neubauer and Guglielmo SpiritoG. Connor Salter
The Mirror of Desire Unbidden: Retrieving the Imago Dei in Tolkien and Late Medieval English Literature (2024) by Giovanni Carmine CostabileŁukasz Neubauer
The Nameless Enemy: How Do You Solve a Problem Like “Mairon”?Cameron Bourquein
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ISSN: 2471-934X