Identifying Terrorist Affiliations Through Social Network Analysis Using Data Mining Techniques
Primary Submission Contact
Govand A Ali
Faculty Sponsor
Sonja Streuber
Faculty Sponsor Email Address
Arts and Sciences
Computing and Information Sciences
Document Type
Poster Presentation
Spring 4-21-2016
Recommended Citation
Ali, Govand A., "Identifying Terrorist Affiliations Through Social Network Analysis Using Data Mining Techniques" (2016). Graduate Academic Symposium. 2.
Biographical Information about Author(s)
Mr. Govand Ali is a 2nd-year M.S. student in Computing and Information Sciences from Sinjar, Iraq, where he completed his B.S. degree in Computer Science at Al-Hadba’a University in Mosul. He brings to his studies at Valparaiso University a professional background in commercial database management and his experience as long-term Head of Information Technology for the Municipality of Dohuk. His research interests lie in Data Mining and Analytics for Business Intelligence and National Security purposes.