Primary Submission Contact

Faculty Sponsor

Nick Rosasco

Faculty Sponsor Email Address




Information Technology Department/ Master of Science in Information Technology

Document Type

Poster Presentation


Spring 4-21-2016

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Ashraf Ali a graduate student at the Valparaiso University Information Technology Department. He attended his undergrad study at Al-Hadba University, Iraq, Musil city with a computer engineering major. Mr. Ali has learned many skills during his study at Valparaiso University. The most interested field for him is network engineering. Therefore, he started to take classes in networking and spent most of his time learning networking during his study. Finally, he decided to do a research paper on networking specifically on airports' networks because as he thought, airports are the most important places that need to be protected. Finally, his practical work has provided high-security-level safety and quality for the airport’s network, and he writing his thesis presently.

Additional Presentation Information

Wall Poster

Abstract.docx (111 kB)
Posters.pptx (563 kB)
Abstract.docx (111 kB)
