Level of Education of Students Involved


Faculty Sponsor

Nick Rosasco


Arts and Sciences


Computer Science

ORCID Identifier(s)

0009-0006-7260-7356, 0009-0001-9861-9519, 0009-0000-0962-0132

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 4-25-2024


This project is the adaptation of a tabletop role-playing experience into an interactive computer program, with an emphasis on effective storytelling, world-building, combat, and player choice. The story provided by the customer, “The Bane of the Ancients”, was initially designed within the Dungeon Crawl Classics framework. Translation of this design into a digital format required many creative and technical additions to the original concept, including sound and art design, music composition, world building and structuring, and development of interaction mechanics and physics. The digital experience was built on top of the Godot engine for its ease of adoption in regards with the chosen style. The software utilizes a top-down art style to convey storytelling and interactive elements. The development of the software followed an agile development cycle with two-week sprints to allow for flexibility and efficiency while working closely with the customer. The scope of our prototype was limited to the first act of the written story so that sufficient time and resources can be devoted to implementing all requested features.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Jacob Griffin is a junior studying computer science with a minor in mathematics.

Dominic Niceforo is a junior studying computer science.

Charlie Hanson is a sophomore studying computer science with a minor in English.
