What Effect Does Different Arm Swing Methods Have on the Gait Cycle, and Lateral Balance During Running?

Level of Education of Students Involved


Faculty Sponsor

David Lantis





Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 4-25-2024


This study investigates the effects of different arm swing methods on running efficiency among female participants aged 19-22. Conducted at the Valparaiso University indoor track facility in late March, the study involved six volunteers who underwent a series of trials: bilateral swing, unilateral arm swing, and zero-arm swing. Minimal instrumentation, including elastic bandages, stopwatches, a blood pressure cuff, and a recording device, was utilized for data collection. Participants engaged in a 10-minute warm-up session before participation in the 3 research trials. There was a 15-minute rest period between each trial. Each trial involved a 30-meter sprint with varied arm swing techniques, with time recordings, step count, and digital recordings saved for analysis. Post-data collection, gait cycle analysis focusing on step length and lateral balance was conducted. The results of this research are pending further analysis.

For Artistic Presentations

