Level of Education of Students Involved


Faculty Sponsor

Jordy Blitz Novak, MM, MT-BC, NMT


Arts and Sciences


Music Therapy, Cultural Studies

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 2024


Music Therapy, guided by a board-certified music therapist, utilizes musical elements, techniques, and clinical strategies to facilitate interventions tailored to individual client needs, concentrating on achieving therapeutic objectives that address cognitive, communicative, emotional, physiological, psychosocial, and spiritual domains. Within this framework, cultural sensitivity and competence are crucial for a music therapist, as it is one of the first steps in fostering a positive developmental journey for a client. Specifically, for children coping with trauma, music therapy can cultivate a more structured environment of treatment and regimen. Magnifying the scope of trauma through the lens of racial, environmental, and interpersonal influences allows music therapists to examine the severity of these experiences further to ensure proper treatment and development of the child. For that purpose, culturally tailored music therapy interventions can yield a greater positive impact on childhood trauma compared to non-cultural interventions. Through a comprehensive literature review and analysis, this study evaluates interventions utilized in trauma-informed music therapy sessions and contemplates the limitations of non-cultural interventions in addressing traumatic experiences that are rooted within a child’s cultural community. Existing research shows that adapting standard music therapy interventions to align with cultural values, traditions, and music results in openness and safe vulnerability expressed by the child. Implications for further research developments include expanding comparative and longitudinal studies, more individualized case studies, and creating effective standardized models. Therefore, this study strongly advocates the importance of purposeful exploration and integration of more substantial culturally tailored music therapy interventions to utilize for child trauma treatment.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Reiana K. Thomas is a senior Music major at VU with previous practicum experience in Music Therapy. She is passionate about integrating music and healing to develop her community positively. Reiana aims to contribute applicable research and methods for childhood trauma recovery through culturally sensitive interventions within this systematic review. Her future goals are to launch and establish her sound healing business and complete the licensure requirements to become a board-certified Music therapist.
