
Volume 26, Number 1   Symposium: The Bill of Rights Yesterday and Today: A Bicentennial Celebration



Why Have a Bill of Rights?
William J. Brennan Jr.



Editor in Chief
Amy Lawrence Mader
Executive Managing Editor
Thomas A. Keith
Executive Editor of Publication
Erik W. Nielsen
Executive Editor of Student Writing
Elizabeth M. Bezak
Symposium Editor
Jeffrey J. Stesiak
Articles Editors
Kathleen E. Campbell
James B. Doyle
Kristen D. Hill
Douglas R. Krause
Christopher L. Lafuse
Christina M.L. Lass
Note Editors
Gina Folta Bartoszek
Jeffrey W. Clymer
Scott A. Kozlov
Andrew R. Liverman
Mark A. Miller
David C. Read
Mary E. Schwartz