The Valpo Core Reader


Cory Francis

Document Type

Birth and Creation Essay

Publication Date



General conflict is a natural, and in most cases a beneficial, thing. From the time we are born our genes begin a power struggle. In our lives we encounter people and ideas that bring up disagreements. Our whole lives seem to be centered around a type of discord. While generally conflict is not an overbearing master, it can be a steering force in our everyday lives. In chapter four of Genesis, the Crow story "Old man Coyote makes the world", and the chapter entitled "X and Y: Conflict" from Matt Ridley' s book Genome, we can learn of different peoples, or groups of people's thoughts on why conflict is a part of our world. The question is why do we have conflict in the first place? Each group has their own ideas and while they are not the same, common themes can be seen. For some it is a great thing to have conflict, others look down upon it. In the end, conflict based upon jealousy or hate is destructive and has negative side effects. On the other hand, conflict based on survival of the fittest or striving to be better than someone or something else leads to great things.
