The Valpo Core Reader


Alysse Foster

Document Type

Birth and Creation Essay

Publication Date



The first week of senior year was a fresh start for me, a last yahoo, and a time to get out there and do the unthinkable, the unimaginable, the terrifying. For as long as I can remember I've always been the quiet, shy girl in the class who hated speaking out, even in front of twenty kids I'd known since third grade. This last year was a time for change, a time for me to reinvent myself as an individual, to step outside of the box, and my miniscule comfort zone. When the audition sign-ups for "Little Women" came out I looked at them several times, I watched as the list grew and changed, as names were added and removed. I watched that list for two days, all the time contemplating my plan of action: to audition, or not to audition, that was the question. Auditioning meant that I would have to get up in front of Mr. Grzeskowiak, a man who was an actor in New York City for years, a man who was not afraid to crush the dreams of one high school senior who never had the courage to go out for anything in her life.
