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The Ninth Annual Valparaiso University Institute on Human Relations is scheduled for July 25-27. Yes, for nine years now Christian people have been coming together on the pleasant University campus to discuss race relations. When they started this practice in 1950, much of the Christian world was still unaware of the existence of a race issue. Today it is known fairly generally to be a world issue. Despite attempts on the part of many to dodge the issue and to live on peacefully according to the status quo of the past decades of our generation, it bobs up again and again. With increasing persistency it demands answers, decisions. Evasion is no longer even a temporary alternative. We now know that, if we do not find the answers and make proper decisions, such irresponsibility will not only bring disaster upon our children, but we shall harm ourselves, our church, and our nation. Answers are needed now, such answers as are in conformity with the will of God. Decisions must be made by the Christian and his church that will show the onlooking world where the church, that is, Christian people, stand. God give us grace, not to procrastinate longer, but to find answers now and to make decisions when the answers are found.
