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An FBI and police informant leads a car caravan of 39 Ku Klux Klansmen and American Nazis into an anti-Klan demonstration in a Black neighborhood in Greensboro, North Carolina. One of the planners of the attack, an undercover Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (U.S. Treasury) agent is absent from the caravan. The caravan is followed closely by an unmarked Greensboro police car. Though the FBI and police are forewarned of the assault, all police squad cars have been pulled from the area.

Klansmen and Nazis yell racist epithets at the multiracial crowd of men, women and children, attack the group with sticks and clubs, and then cooly and deliberately shoot down demonstrators. When they are finished, Bill Sampson, Jim Waller, Sandi Smith and Cesar Cauce are dead. Eleven others are injured. Pediatrician Michael Nathan, critically injured, will die two days later. The entire incident is captured on videotape by cameraman from four T. V. stations.
