U.S. - Japan Bilateral Workshop on the Tropical Tropopause Layer: State of the Current Science and Future Observational Needs
The workshop provided a review of the state of TTL science, key questions, and measurement/analysis techniques. Discussion focused on key science questions, and tried to understand how they map into upcoming observational campaigns, as well as how the campaigns can be coordinated. We sought to include (a) topical experts (b) students (c) investigators in planning observational campaigns in the TTL. The agenda included a mix of invited lectures, discussion, and synthesis of key science questions and observational strategies.
The workshop was hosted by Valpariaso University, University of Hawaii at Manoa and the International Pacific Reserach Center at the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii from 15 - 19 October 2012. The workshop also received funding support from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Conference organizers for the TTL workshop are Andrew Gettelman (National Center for Atmospheric Research), Kevin Hamilton (University of Hawaii), Fumio Hasebe (Hokkaido University), Gary Morris (Valparaiso University), Henry Selkirk (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center).