Volume 55, Numbers 3 & 4 - Fall/Winter 2022 (2022)
Full Issue
Front Matter
Peer-Review Articles
Insect Floral Visitors of Red Maple and Tree-of-Heaven at Potential Risk of Neonicotinoid Residue Exposure from Spotted Lanternfly Control
Jonathan Elmquist, Kelli Hoover, and David Biddinger
Seasonal Changes of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Functional Feeding Group Biomass Within Forest and Meadow Habitats of a First-order Michigan (USA) Stream
David C. Houghton, Erin Flaherty, Danae Sollie, and Ryan Lardner
Complementary of Blacklight Trap and Flight Interception Trap in a Multi-Year Study of Flying Coleoptera near a Farm Pond in Southern Québec (Canada)
Claire Levesque and Gilles-Yvon Levesque
Annotated Checklist of the Aradidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) or "Flat Bugs" of Iowa
Edwin Freese and Stephen W. Chordas
Scientific Notes
Preliminary Feeding Assessments for Asiatic Garden Beetle, Maladera formosae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), Grubs and Adults
Adrian J. Pekarcik, Matthew O. Lorentz, C. Scott Clem, Amy L. Raudenbush, David W. Held, and Kelley J. Tilmon
Two New Coleopteran Records from Wisconsin
Jordan D. Marche II

- Lead Scientific Editor
- Alicia Bray, PhD
- Lead Production Editor
- Alicia Bray, PhD
Associate Editors
- Kristi Bugajski, PhD
- Anthony Cognato, PhD
- Julie Craves, PhD
- David Houghton, PhD
- William Ruesink, PhD
- William Scharf, PhD
- Daniel Swanson, MS