Finding Potential Binary Stars in a Hubble Space Telescope Sample of Very Hot White Dwarfs

Faculty Sponsor

Todd Hillwig


Arts and Sciences



Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Summer 7-24-2024


This project is the first step in determining precise temperatures for hot white dwarf stars using ultraviolet spectra from the Hubble Space Telescope. A way to get the temperature of a hot white dwarf is through performing binary modeling. This project used a list of hot white dwarfs that was obtained from our Hubble Space Telescope Heritage project named, "A Treasury Far Ultraviolet Survey of the Hottest White Dwarfs", and evaluated if there was periodic variation in brightness or not. The list contained coordinates, which were put into the database Zubercal to obtain photometric (brightness) data and a light curve (or plot of brightness over time). The photometric data was used to determine if there was brightness variability present and whether that variability was periodic, or changed in a regular, repeating pattern. For any white dwarfs that showed periodic variability, their photometric data were used with a Python code to get a more accurate and precise period. If the white dwarf still showed signs of periodic variability, then it was plotted to the period that found along with a fitted sine curve.

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