
Sibling Abuse

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Journal Title

Handbook of Behavioral Criminology


While other forms of domestic violence, such as child and partner abuse have been widely recognized by the clinical world as matters of a serious nature (which has been demonstrated through research, intervention programs, and public outreach), sibling abuse has remained largely ignored over the past 40 years (Ammerman & Hersen, 1991; Caspi, 2012; Kiselica & Morrill-Richards, 2007; Morrill & Bachman, 2013; Phillips-Green, 2002). As sibling abuse has not received much recognition by professionals and, consequently, the public, it is a phenomenon often dismissed and misunderstood. Given the hidden nature of sibling abuse, this form of domestic violence tends to last over a long period of time and is may result in devastating long-term consequences. The handful of studies that have been conducted related to sibling abuse have found that both survivors and perpetrators experience a higher risk of developmental delays, depression, low self-esteem, deficits related to interpersonal competencies, drug abuse, and dating violence than those who have not survived or perpetrated sibling abuse (Caffaro & Conn-Caffaro, 2005; Caspi, 2012; Duncan, 1999; Morrill-Richards, 2009; Morrill-Richards & Leierer, 2010).
