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Seattle University Law Review
Over the past several decades, as the agricultural system became increasingly industrialized and the steps from farm to plate multiplied, consumers became farther removed from the sources of their food. Until recently, most consumers in America were content to eat their processed, cheap, and filling foods without giving a second thought to how these foods were produced. The tides are changing. Increasingly, consumers are calling for more transparency in the food system. Repulsed by images of animal cruelty and shocked by unsavory food production practices, consumers want the food industry’s veil lifted and are demanding changes in food production. The booming success of restaurants such as Chipotle, “the food industry’s fastest-rising star,” which serves “naturally-raised” meats and is committed to sourcing “Food with Integrity,” is evidence of this consumer demand for higher quality food.
Recommended Citation
Nicole E. Negowetti, Opening the Barnyard Door: Transparency and the Resurgence of Ag-Gag & Veggie Libel Laws, 38 Seattle U . L. Rev. 1345 (2015).