

In this study, meat consumption and the nutritional status of pregnant women living in Giresun province of Turkey were investigated. The study was carried out at Giresun University, the Maternity and Pediatrics Training and Research Hospital between February-March 2019. The study group consisted of 218 pregnant women aged 18 to 49 years, who benefited from polyclinic services and agreed to participate in the survey. A questionnaire consisting of 12 questions was used, and the findings were evaluated using SPSS to generate descriptive statistics and t-tests or ANOVAs. The majority of participants stated that red meat is beneficial during pregnancy (71.1%) and this benefit is due to its nutrients (69.1%). Educational level was positively related to a balanced diet during pregnancy. Although the pregnant women in this study have knowledge about nutrition during pregnancy, nutrition programs can be further strengthened to increase their level of knowledge.

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