Submissions from 2019
Sharing the Love, Feeding the Hungry, Paul F. Bradshaw
To Be the Body of Christ: Discipleship (Solidarity) and Eucharist, M. Shawn Copeland
Submissions from 2018
Being the Body of Christ, Jessicah Krey Duckworth
Faith Forming Faith, Faith Shaping Ministry, Paul E. Hoffman
From Font to Meal to Service and Unity, Maxwell E. Johnson
How Baptism Doesn't Form Us: Why We Seek Other Ways to Grow The Church, Craig Alan Satterlee
Submissions from 2017
The Twentieth Century Reform of the Liturgy: Outcomes and Prospects, John F. Baldovin S.J.
Where Do We Go From Here?, Lorraine Brugh
Reforming Liturgy in a Re-Forming Age, Edward Foley
The Work for the People Reforming at People's Church?, Timo-Matti Haapiainen
The 95 Theses as a Template for Lasting Liturgical Reform, Timothy J. Wengert
Submissions from 2013
Touch me and see: A resurrection of the body in the church?, Samuel Torvend
Submissions from 2009
One Body, Washed, Frederick A. Niedner
Submissions from 2008
The Work of the People as Public Work: The Social Significance of the Liturgy, William T. Cavanaugh
Submissions from 2007
Healing, Faith, and Liturgy: A Theological Reflection upon the Church's Ministry of Healing in the Context of Worship, Christoffer H. Grundmann
Rituals of Care: A Look at the Church's Ministry with the Sick, Lizette Larson-Miller
Submissions from 2006
Debt, Imperialism, Eunuchs, and Contemporary Christian Worship, John Bell
Media Art in Worship: The Potential for a New Liturgical Art, Its Pastoral and Theological Challenges, Eileen D. Crowley
Jesus' Welcome Centers Our Ministry, Richard Fabian
Worship and the Ministry of Reconciliation: Turning Walls into Tables, Mark S. Hanson
Have We Come An This Way for Birth or Death?1 Liturgical Music as Prophetic Ministry, Kathleen Harmon
On the Table-Servers: Ministry in the Assembly, Gordon W. Lathrop
From Meal to Mission, J-Glenn Murray
"Go in Peace. But Go!", Robert Rimbo
Mass and Mission: Enacting God's Mission in the Christian Assembly Today, Thomas H. Schattauer
Let the Servant Church Arise: Waters for the Thirsty, Supper for the Hungry, Rhoda Schuler
The Priesthood of All Believers and Other Pious Myths, Timothy J. Wengert
Submissions from 2005
Have We Come All This Way for Birth or Death? Liturgical Music as Prophetic Ministry, Kathleen Harmon
On the Table-Servers: Ministry in the Assembly, Gordon Lathrop
Institute of Liturgical Studies (History), Gerald Spice
The Priesthood of All Believers and Other Pious Myths, Timothy Wengert
Submissions from 2004
Media Art in Worship: The Potential for a New Liturgical Art, Its Pastoral and Theological Challenges, Eileen D. Crowley
Submissions from 2003
A Brook Runs through It: Fresh Water from the Bach for Today's Thirsty Church, Mark P. Bangert
"But we had hoped ... ": The Road We've Traveled; the Road that Lies Ahead, Eleanor Bernstein
Whose Context Is It Anyway?, Lorraine S. Brugh
The Bible and the Liturgical Movement: Scripture as a Voice in the Church, Not a Book Faxed to It, Robert Farrar Capon
The Bible as One Story: Images as the Holy Spirit's Device for Making Scripture God's Word Written, Robert Farrar Capon
Inculturation of Worship: Forty Years of Progress and Tradition, Anscar J. Chupungco
Liturgical Inculturation: The Future that Awaits Us, Anscar J. Chupungco
Inculturation of Worship: Forty Years of Progress and Tradition, Anscar J. Chupungco
Liturgical Inculturation: The Future That Awaits Us, Anscar J. Chupungco
A Word Fitly Spoken, Michael Cobbler
Leading the Assembly Is Pastoral, Virgil C. Funk
The Grace of Leading the Assembly, Gabe Huck
Salis est: Ecumenical Catalyst or Narrow Reductionism?, Maxwell E. Johnson
"Let us pray with confidence": Leaders of the Assembly Prepare, Gordon W. Lathrop
The Message Is from God, Frederick A. Niedner Jr.
“WE ARE SATISFIED!” - A Sermon for the Commemoration of St Philip, Craig Satterlee
The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy and Lutheran Book of Worship: What Was Renewed?, Frank C. Senn
"The whole Bible painted in our houses": Visual Narrative and Religious Polemic in Early Lutheran Art, Samuel Torvend
Enough, Already-But Perhaps Not Yet: Liturgy, Church Unity, and Eschatology, David G. Truemper
Leaders Pray with the Assembly, E Louise Williams
Submissions from 1999
Liturgical Traffic in Culture: Gridlock, Beginning Drivers, Detours, and DUI, Mark P. Bangert
It's about Time: Practices of Rest and Worship in Church and Culture, Dorothy C. Bass
Speaking of Liturgy: Education and Fonnation through and for Worship, Dorothy C. Bass
Holy Communion Is an Artifact of the Future, Walter R. Bouman
Liturgy and Ecumenism: What Next?, Eugene L. Brand
You Have to Wear Something, Susan R. Briehl
Asking New and Old Questions As We Remember the Future, Marva J. Dawn
Concluding Address: Culture and Worship, Once More, Marva J. Dawn
Culture: Around, Against, In the Church's Worship, Marva J. Dawn
On Baptism and the Spirit: The Ethical Significance of the Marks of the Church, Vigen Guroian
Baptismal "Spirituality" in the Early Church and Its Implications for the Church Today, Maxwell E. Johnson
"Hearers of the Word": Luke's Gospel as Sacramental Formation for a Liturgical Community, Arthur A. Just Jr.
The Freedom of the Christian for Culture, Timothy Lull
What Are We Doing When We Pray?, Jorgen Moltmann
Fonned and Refonned: What God Effects through the Liturgical Assembly of Christians, Paul R. Nelson
Transformed and Transforming: What God Effects through the Presence of Christians in the World, Paul R. Nelson
Submissions from 1996
Grace Upon Grace: living Water, Hans Boehringer
A Midrash On Water, Joseph A. Edelheit
Sound Theology: The Risk of Audition, Ed Foley
What's Hecuba to Him, or He to Hecuba?, Paul W.F. Harms
What Gets Changed? Sam Gets Changed?, Gabe Huck
The Cost of Making Disciples, Walter Huffman
The Melody of Living Water: Music Ministry and Holy Baptism, Jan Michael Joncas
Christianity's Boundary-Making Bath: The New Testament Meaning of Baptism, the Sacrament of Unity, Edgar Krentz
Living Word: Sharper Than Any Two-Edged Sword, Edgar Krentz
The Lord's Banquet: Resources, Problems and Perspectives from the New Testament, Edgar Krentz
Doing the Holy Things: Baptism and Vocation, Gordon Lathrop
Table of Remembrance, David N. Power O.M.I.
Dying and Rising As We Grow Up: Lifelong Baptismal Formation, Elaine Ramshaw
The Language of the Psalter and Sunday Worship, Gail Ramshaw
The Church Musician as Steward of the Mysteries, Carl Schalk
The Witness of the Worshiping Community, Frank C. Senn
The Word Becomes Flesh, Louise Williams
Submissions from 1992
Is Dialogue Hazardous to Ecumenism?, Robert W. Bertram
Like WheatT Arising Green: How the Church Grows and Thrives, Walter R. Bouman
And They Danced, David H. Kehret and John Steven Paul
Liturgy at Ground Level, Martin A. Seltz
Fear and Faith In the Fields of Our Hearts, David G. Truemper
Submissions from 1991
Visible Words: The Image Is the Message, Sandra Essex
Celebrants or Celebrities, Worship or Suicide, David Kocka O.F.M.
Holy Things: Foundations for Liturgical Theology, Gordon Lathrop
Good Stuff to Read This Year, Kathleen R. Mullen
It Does Matter What You Do: How Practical Choices Reflect Theology, John O. Nelson
Preaching at Weddings and Funerals, Jerald W. Pipping
Lutheran Theology and Liturgical Acculturation, Karen M. Ward
Assisting Ministers: Enlisting, Training, and Leaming from the Diversity of Gifts, Donald H. Williams
Submissions from 1989
Arts and the Liturgy: With Countless Gifts of love, Mark P. Bangert
Identity and Witness: Liturgy and the Mission of the Church, Walter R. Bouman