Event Title
Embodied Service
Alumni Room 269, Harre Union, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN
Start Date
10-4-2013 1:30 PM
End Date
10-4-2013 2:30 PM
As table servants, Deaconesses prepare the food and welcome everybody to God's table. Coming out of themes in "Eucharist: Bodies, Bread, and Resurrection" by Andrea Bieler, Diane and Lisa will use a diaconal lens to focus on incarnational ministry. Come and discuss how all are called to this.

Apr 10th, 1:30 PM
Apr 10th, 2:30 PM
Embodied Service
Alumni Room 269, Harre Union, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN
About the Presenter
Deaconess Lisa Polito is a 1990 graduate of Valparaiso University and assumed the role of Executive Director of the LDA on January 1, 2008. Prior to her promotion, Lisa served the LDA as the Director of Development and Public Relations for seven years. Before coming to the LDA, Lisa served as the Director of Chaplaincy Services for Good Shepherd Lutheran Home of the West in Southern California. She has written for the LWML Quarterly, speaks at conferences and leads retreats. Lisa is married to Carmine Polito, a civil engineering professor at Valparaiso University.
Deaconess Diane Marten earned a bachelor's degree from Valparaiso University in 1972 and a master's degree in counseling from Chapman College, Orange, California. Diane accepted the call to serve as Director of Education and Formation at the LDA in 2001. Following her master's degree, she provided hospital chaplaincy, private counseling and grief work for children. Her congregational ministry focused on music, youth and Christian Education. Diane also has extensive experience working with infants at risk of developmental disabilities.