Event Title
Uniting Christ's Body with Music from Everywhere
Classroom 1409, Center for the Arts Bldg., Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN
Start Date
8-4-2013 1:00 PM
End Date
8-4-2013 4:00 PM
When Christians gather in assembly, our communal body sings songs from people everywhere. This cross-cultural sharing of music makes us aware of our differing tongues, styles, tunes, and rhythms, all united by the Spirti in praise and proclamation of the triune God. This seminar will explore the constantly growing repertoire of ritual song from around the globe, and will propose ways in which the selection, leadership, and engagement of this diverse music furthers the mission of the church.

Uniting Christ's Body with Music from Everywhere
Classroom 1409, Center for the Arts Bldg., Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN
When Christians gather in assembly, our communal body sings songs from people everywhere. This cross-cultural sharing of music makes us aware of our differing tongues, styles, tunes, and rhythms, all united by the Spirti in praise and proclamation of the triune God. This seminar will explore the constantly growing repertoire of ritual song from around the globe, and will propose ways in which the selection, leadership, and engagement of this diverse music furthers the mission of the church.
About the Presenter
Richard Bruxvoort Colligan is an independent musician from Strawberry Point, Iowa. Seminary trained but not ordained, he tours nationally singing and teaching the Psalms. Richard is a composer and publisher of congregational song via Worldmaking.net.