Battery Application of Silver Molybdate

Primary Submission Contact

Allen Huff

Faculty Sponsor

Paul Smith

Faculty Sponsor Email Address


Arts and Sciences



Document Type

Poster Presentation


Fall 10-25-2019


Rapid and substantial advancements in technology have dramatically increased the demand for faster rechargeable energy sources, like lithium, sodium, or zinc-based batteries. The inexpensive and nonflammable characteristics of zinc have made it popular in the field of electrochemical research, but the effectiveness of its battery is especially dependant on the material it is paired to react with during operation. The high conductivity of silver and large oxidation number of molybdenum make varying structural conformations of silver molybdates (Ag2MoxOy) strong candidates for battery application.Their inspiration is derived from the implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD), which uses a silver vanadate compound to last for several years at a time.8 In theory, the greater oxidation number of molybdenum can improve on the current ICD design. To determine the best possible silver molybdate battery, several compounds were analyzed, each with varying structures and silver to molybdenum ratios.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Allen Huff is a junior chemistry major who plans on pursuing a Ph.D. in chemistry after undergraduate studies.

Brendan Godsel is a senior chemistry major who plans on pursuing a Ph.D. in materials chemistry to enter industry.

Julie Pohlman-Zordan is a junior chemistry major who plans on entering industry.

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