Notes: Colleges/Other Campuses: Indiana University Baccalaureate Address: Invitation to Pilgrimage (Fragments), 1956

Notes: Colleges/Other Campuses: Indiana University Baccalaureate Address: Invitation to Pilgrimage (Fragments), 1956

Notes: Matins Address: The Sunrise of Hope, 1939

Notes: Matins Address: The Sunrise of Hope, 1939

Notes: Christmas Vesper: Pleasure and Happiness, 1946

Notes: Christmas Vesper: Pleasure and Happiness, 1946

Notes: Final Yearly Chapel Address: Well and Good, 1956

Notes: Final Yearly Chapel Address: Well and Good, 1956

Notes: Chapel Address: A Few Reminders, 1962

Notes: Chapel Address: A Few Reminders, 1962

Notes: Gloria Christi Chapel Dedication: The Beauty of Holiness (Psalm 96:9), 1959

Notes: Gloria Christi Chapel Dedication: The Beauty of Holiness (Psalm 96:9), 1959

Notes: Dedication: Our Unseen Guests, n.d.

Notes: Dedication: Our Unseen Guests, n.d.

Notes: Memorial Address: Presidents Vesper [John F. Kennedy], 1963

Notes: Memorial Address: Presidents Vesper [John F. Kennedy], 1963

Notes: Memorial Address: Martin Luther King, Jr. Service, 1968

Notes: Memorial Address: Martin Luther King, Jr. Service, 1968

Notes: Memorial Address: Frederick Konrad Kruger, 1954

Notes: Memorial Address: Frederick Konrad Kruger, 1954

Notes: Memorial Address: A Whole God (Julius Klein, Bonnie Jean Ullrich, and Douglas Farney), 1964

Notes: Memorial Address: A Whole God (Julius Klein, Bonnie Jean Ullrich, and Douglas Farney), 1964

Notes: Memorial Address: Alan Schroeder, 1968

Notes: Memorial Address: Alan Schroeder, 1968