The Bible and the Liturgical Movement: Scripture as a Voice in the Church, Not a Book Faxed to It

The Bible and the Liturgical Movement: Scripture as a Voice in the Church, Not a Book Faxed to It

“WE ARE SATISFIED!” - A Sermon for the Commemoration of St Philip

“WE ARE SATISFIED!” - A Sermon for the Commemoration of St Philip

"But we had hoped ... ": The Road We've Traveled; the Road that Lies Ahead

"But we had hoped ... ": The Road We've Traveled; the Road that Lies Ahead

Salis est: Ecumenical Catalyst or Narrow Reductionism?

Salis est: Ecumenical Catalyst or Narrow Reductionism?

Liturgical Inculturation: The Future that Awaits Us 2

Liturgical Inculturation: The Future that Awaits Us 2

Whose Context Is It Anyway?

Whose Context Is It Anyway?

Inculturation of Worship: Forty Years of Progress and Tradition 2

Inculturation of Worship: Forty Years of Progress and Tradition 2

The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy and Lutheran Book of Worship: What Was Renewed?

The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy and Lutheran Book of Worship: What Was Renewed?