Sorority Connection During a Pandemic

Faculty Sponsor

Rachel Murray


Arts and Sciences


Social Work

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 4-29-2021


In this study I am examining the overall level of connection sorority women feel towards their chapter and sorority sisters. This will be a single subjects design with the subject being my sorority. After getting an initial base line measurement, I have added the intervention of having members connect with sisters either via facetime or by spending time together in person. I am also measuring how chapter meetings and sisterhood events affect the feeling of connection. I am measuring this through survey questions using a Likert scale. Participants were chosen from the chapter as volunteers. Social connection is one of the most important things to have in college. Social connection has been linked to lower anxiety and depression, it has been found to help regulate emotions, and leads to high self-esteem. Because of this importance, I want to understand how my sorority sisters are staying connected during the pandemic and what intervention is needed in order to foster better connection. With this research I will be able to inform the chapter what works and what does not work in terms of staying connected while being distanced. This can help in the future with keeping commuters connected and helping sisters stay in touch during summer and winter breaks when we are apart for an extended period of time.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Erikah is a senior social work major from Aurora, Illinois. She has been an active member of Kappa Kappa Gamma since the fall of 2018. Her interest in studying connection during a pandemic stemmed from the switch to virtual learning last March.

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