Faculty Sponsor

Lara Pudwell


Arts and Sciences


Mathematics and Statistics

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 5-1-2020


We define a taumutation as an nxn grid with exactly two different points in each row and column. A well known mathematical object is the permutation, which is defined as an ordered list of the elements 1,2,3,...,n. Examples of permutations of length 4 include 1423 and 2134. By thinking of the position of an element in a permutation as an x-coordinate and setting its value to be the y-coordinate, we obtain an nxn grid with only one point in each row and column. In a way, a taumutation is two permutations plotted on the same grid. We are often interested in permutations that avoid patterns. For example, permutations that avoid the pattern 132 do not have three elements from left-to-right (not necessarily consecutive), such that the first is the smallest, the second the largest, and the third between them. The space of permutations under pattern avoiding restrictions is well-documented; however, no one has explored our new mathematical object. In our work, we find a way to count how many taumutations exist on an nxn grid when we avoid two permutations of length three within the grid.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Deven Harris is a junior Statistics and Computer Science major from Indianapolis, IN. He is a member of Pi Kappa Alpha.

Jake Roth is a senior Mathematics major from St. Joseph, MI. He plays trumpet in the chamber concert band, helped run TEDx, and is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon.

Austin Schnoor is a junior Mathematics and Secondary Education major from Pearl City, IL. He is also the President of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia.
