Faculty Sponsor

Mindy Capaldi


Arts and Sciences



Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 2020


Our goal for this project was to expand and improve upon the findings of George I. Bell and Nicholas Fonseca, who have both written papers on optimization in Chinese Checkers. While their work focuses mainly on cooperative games between one, two, and three players, we have considered games for six players. While doing this, we have redefined the playing board in a more intuitive manner, while developing and proving its associated distance formula. As well, we have found the shortest game for six players, and are working to generalize a formula for the number of moves required to finish a six player game as fast as possible. This could further incite research to generalize a lower bound for any number of players.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Eric Burkholder is a sophomore Mathematics and Data Science double major with a minor in Computer Science. On campus, Eric is on the Competitive Ballroom Dance Team, a Hesse Center Math Tutor, a projectionist at the Chapel, and President of the Mathematics Club. Gabe Fragoso is a sophomore Computer Science and Mathematics double major with a minor in Japanese. On campus, Gabe is treasurer of the Spanish Club, and he is also involved in Japanese Club, Asian American Pacific Islander Coalition, Japanese Student Association, and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers. Thomas Shomer is a Senior Mathematics and Statistics double major at Valparaiso University. He has minors in Computer Science and Actuarial Science, and will be a Christ College Scholar. He plans to be an actuary or data scientist in Chicago after graduation. Furthermore, he is a member of Quizbowl and a brother of the Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity.
