Faculty Sponsor

Nicholas Rosasco


Arts and Sciences


Computing and Information Sciences

ORCID Identifier(s)

0000-0002-9442-0617, 0000-0002-9164-8579, 0000-0001-5811-9715, 0000-0001-8537-9483

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 5-3-2019


Valparaiso University (VU) Student Senate’s current comingling of paperwork and excel spreadsheets to maintain and manage a record of student-led organizations on-campus has proven to be highly inefficient and unhelpful. Not only is it difficult for those on Student Senate to manage the annual recognition and re-recognition process, but the organizations themselves also have no access to their information once it has been submitted.

This system will employ a MySQL database that will maintain a record of all organizations with information on their officers, contact information, links to their constitutions, and final budget values. One notable challenge is the need to store historical information for organizations that may come and go from year to year. The interface will allow Student Senate and the organizations themselves to access information for each organization using Python’s Flask framework. This framework will also include an automated version of the form each organization is required to fill out and turn in as part of the recognition or re-recognition process, as well as forms to inform Student Senate of changes to an organization. Access to viewing organization information will be controlled via the Google login infrastructure already utilized by VU.

The finished result will be a database with web access that the VU Student Senate can use for a period of several years, with an emphasis on robust internal construction and longevity. Through this database, Student Senate will be able to manage and maintain a record of all on-campus, student-led organizations, both current and previous, as well as maintain records of their officers, contact information, and final budget.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Kayla Herrera, Senior Computer Science major with a focus in Cyber Security.

Jackson Heise, Senior Physics major.

Alec Hauck, Senior Mathematics major with minors in Computer Science and Physics.

Sawyer Patrick, Senior Computer Science and English double major with a Humanities Minor

StudentSenatePoster.pdf (438 kB)
Research poster for "Digitizing and Streamlining Valparaiso University Student Senate's Organization Recognition Process"
