Setting the Stage: 40 Years in VU Theatre

Faculty Sponsor

Kevin Ostoyich


Arts and Sciences


History/Internship with the Archives and Special Collections

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 5-3-2018


Using photographs housed in the University Archives and Special Collections and the digitized collection of The Torch and The Beacon, I identified the names, dates, and venues of each production. In my presentation I focus on three specific venues (i.e., the University Chapel Auditorium, Kroencke Hall, and the Memorial Opera House) and explore how the way in which these venues were utilized changed as theatre at the University developed from the 1940s to the 1980s.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Leilah Hovey is a junior Creative Writing and History double major. She works in the University's Archive and Special Collections after having completed an internship there in the Fall of 2017. Having performed in theatre productions throughout high school Leilah was drawn towards picking a topic with something she had a passion for. Leilah hopes to attend grad school for a degree in Information Sciences so she can continue working in Archives throughout the world.
