Faculty Sponsor

Dan White




Electrical Engineering

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 4-23-2016


Our project is to build and contribute improvements to an existing open source ground station design. This project called SatNOGS (Satellite Networked Open Ground Station) was started a year ago by the Libre Space Foundation in Athens, Greece to address the problem of data downlink from Low Earth Orbiting Satellites. We are most interested in improving the ease of construction of the ground station to enable more people to deploy ground stations.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Dan White is an assistant professor with Valparaiso University in Indiana where he teaches electronics and other electrical and computer engineering topics. He holds an Amateur Extra license, AD0CQ, and interestingly issued on 2012-12-12. Interests include analog and mixed-signal processing and circuits from single-hertz through giga-hertz frequencies at low power. Ashley LeBlanc is a Valpo student who has an Amateur License, K9MWF, which was her grandfather's call sign before he passed away. Her grandfather's interest in ham radio sparked her interest in the hobby and this project. The other students in the group are also interested in ham radio and satellite communications and are excited to see where this project will lead them.
