A Nash Solution for the Ukrainian-Russian War

Level of Education of Students Involved


Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Rick Gillman


Arts and Sciences



Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 4-25-2024


Since it began in February 2022, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has dragged on for almost two years without a clear conclusion. We see a lesser probability of any party winning over the other by war. Finding a resolution to the Ukrainian-Russian war is an international problem. Emissaries from numerous nations and organizations have discussed various resolutions with each of the two countries and a major international peace conference was hosted by Saudi Arabia in 2023. In this paper, we use the Nash Arbitration Method (Nash 1950) to model what an imposed (arbitrated) settlement might look like.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Prashant Bhatta is a senior majoring in Actuarial Science at the College of Arts and Sciences. After graduation, he will be working as an Actuarial Associate at Kuvare in Rosemont, Illinois.

Matthew Landrum is a freshman majoring in Statistics and Business Analytics. Currently serving as the assistant News Director at the Source, he is passionate about journalism and communication. With aspirations to pursue a career in law, Matthew combines his analytical skills with a keen interest in legal affairs.

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