Automation of iterative computer aided design and finite element analysis in SolidWorks

Level of Education of Students Involved


Faculty Sponsor

Jesse Sestito




Mechanical Engineering

ORCID Identifier(s)


Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 4-25-2024


Iterative design involves developing a solution, analyzing that solution, and then repeating the process until a final design is achieved. This process can become tedious, hindering innovation. One of the main tools used by engineers is computer aided design (CAD), creation of three-dimensional models, and finite element analysis (FEA), a methodology to perform various engineering analyses on three-dimensional models. Most CAD and FEA software allow for part generation and analyses to be developed programmatically, allowing the iterative design process to be streamlined. However, there is little documentation on how to accomplish this, and the tools to make engineer’s lives easier can be difficulty to use. This work aims to develop a methodology to easily create code to automate the CAD and FEA tasks within the SolidWorks environment. To accomplish this the SolidWorks Application Programming Interface is used. The user can enable macro recording and perform the CAD and execute the FEA procedures for an initial design. From here, our methodology highlights how to modify the recorded macro to allow for easy iterative design. This will reduce the time spent on manual remodeling and reanalysis. In the future, we plan on developing tutorials and workflows for all engineers to be able to use this methodology with engineering design optimization tools to be able to improve their workflow.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Gavin Forck is a sophomore mechanical engineering major from Chillicothe Illinois. Gavin went to Illinois Valley Central High School, graduating in the spring of 2022, and started studying at Valparaiso University in Valparaiso Indiana, in the fall of the same year. He commenced his research in the spring of 2024 with Professor Sestito because he wanted to strengthen his programming skills. Over time, he found contentment while doing research on Automating Finite Element Analysis in Solidworks and hopes to continue doing research with Professor Sestito.

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