Comparison of Methods to Determine Parking Lot Occupancy

Level of Education of Students Involved


Faculty Sponsor

Jay Grossman




Civil Engineering

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 4-25-2024


The analysis of parking lot occupancy – the number of vehicles using a parking lot at a given time – is crucial for traffic management, and urban and campus planning. This study evaluates traditional methods of occupancy data acquisition versus the use of drones and computer image analysis procedures. The traditional method of rout-based data acquisition involves walking or driving through parking lots and manually counting the number of occupied parking spaces. This method leaves some room for error; cars may pull in and out as one walks, and the analyzer may miscount cars. Drone analysis of parking lot occupancy has the potential to improve this process. Drones are quicker and may be more accurate than the manual method. In this study, traditional and drone based occupancy data is acquired, analyzed and compared.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Todd Wagner is a sophomore civil engineering student who took interest in engineering data collection techniques. His studies compare drone data to traditional data.

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