The Effects of Female Involvement in Legislature on the Policy Process

Level of Education of Students Involved


Faculty Sponsor

James Old


Arts and Sciences


Political Science- International Relations

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 4-25-2024


This study focuses on how women impact foreign policy, with a focus on women’s involvement in the passing of the Paris Climate Accords, also known as the Paris Agreement. Through the process of analyzing the countries that were involved in the passing of the accords, as well as the ratification, the research supplements the hypothesis that female involvement in foreign policy influences the types of policies that are passed. With a further examination of the correlation between female parliamentary representation and the governmental statues of nations, there is a slight implication of women’s involvement in the government and foreign policy as a whole.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Tina is a senior at Valparaiso University who is pursuing majors in International Relations and Criminology with a minor in Spanish.

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