Policy Analysis of Alternatives to Immigration Detention Centers: Impact of the Physical and Mental Health of Migrants

Level of Education of Students Involved


Faculty Sponsor

James Old


Arts and Sciences


Political Science

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 4-25-2024


Research on immigration detention centers in the United States demonstrate that the conditions and services provided to migrants are resulting in higher rates of negative mental and physical health. These human beings are being treated horrible while their duration in these prison like detention centers is unknown which results in their mental health to decline. Along with that there are no proper services that are accounted for to help with their physical health which in turn can lead to mental health issues. There are alternatives to detention centers, one model that I will be focused on is the Community Assessment and Placement model that emphasizes a community-based integration while looking at these migrants, refugees, or asylum seekers on an individual level instead of an overall level. There is very few literature out there that talks about alternatives to detention centers, so this paper will help bring focus to what can be done about alternatives to detention centers that are impacting the migrant’s mental and physical health negatively.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Fatima Garcia-Cardenas is a senior at Valparaiso University studying international relations and psychology.

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