Level of Education of Students Involved


Faculty Sponsor

James Old


Arts and Sciences


Political Science and International Relations

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 4-25-2024


This study explores how citizens' faith in government officials in socialist-run South American nations is affected by corruption scandals. It investigates whether individuals' views of government integrity and political involvement are impacted by the easier access to information about corruption brought about by technology. This research aims to understand the relationship between the level of confidence in government entities and their vulnerability to corruption scandals using survey information from sources like the World Bank and the AmericasBarometer, in addition to free press ratings and verified cases of corruption. The study also looks at how the free press influences public opinion and trust by acting as a stand-in for other variables. The findings seek to provide insights into how corruption affects the political landscape in South American nations and citizens' trust in their leaders.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Coming from Ecuador, I was able to witness a lot of corruption within institutions and government officials throughout my childhood. I always thought this was a problem because all those resources that have been used in bad faith, could have been a great investment to turn a country like Ecuador with opportunities in Academia, Foreign Investment, Infrastructure, Tourism and most importantly the citizens needs. In this research I investigate the impacts on how all these corruptions scandals throughout recent years in Latin America has shifted the citizens to trust even less in their institutions, despite voting for different leaders who propose completely different ideas from previous elected officials.
