Infinitely Liminal Spaces

Level of Education of Students Involved


Faculty Sponsor

Laura Krepp

Streaming Media

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Arts and Sciences


Digital Media Arts

ORCID Identifier(s)


Presentation Type

Artistic Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 4-25-2024


“Infinitely Liminal Spaces” is a sculptural art installation of three dioramas containing 3D-printed sculptures and LED lighting within cubes constructed of acrylic and two-way mirrors simulating an other-worldly space of optical illusions. It is a manifestation of what can be created when applying creative approaches to technological machinery housed within the Sirko Makerspace, including the 3D Dremel Digilab printer and Glowforge laser cutter. Liminal spaces are unpopulated, transitory environments, and therefore associated with feelings of unsettledness. Infinity spaces carry connotations of possibility, imagination, and beyondness. While these two terms seem to contradict each other, these concepts go hand in hand when one is facing a period of transition in life. Not knowing exactly what lies beyond is unnerving, but thrilling knowing the possibilities ahead are seemingly endless. The titles of each diorama are “The Apartment,” “The Staircase,” and “The City.” Each of the three cubes is titled in accordance with the different themes it encompasses, each representing a different form of transitory space. Another additional feature that adds to the unsettling quality of these works, is the extreme variations in scale. Each piece has a drastically different perspective. This three-dimensional series allows spectators to glimpse into a portal-like space that they can view from all sides because of the cubes’ transparent, acrylic walls. The dioramas’ appearances are ever-evolving as viewers move closer and further from and walk around them. Different angles of observation offer new ways of seeing these reflections and illusions.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Maiah Deogracias is a graduating senior triple majoring in Digital Media Arts, Humanities, and Communication. While having experience with a variety of artistic mediums, she primarily focuses on graphic design and photography. She seeks to create work centering around themes of human interaction, senses of identity, and how people engage with the spaces they occupy. Inspired by installation artists like Yayoi Kusama who is famous for her infinity rooms, and artists creating with similar mediums like 3D printing, such as Guillaume Lachapelle, Deogracias sought to merge the two concepts of infinity and liminal spaces in this work. Upon graduation, she will move to Indianapolis to work as an Orr Fellow as part of the Orr Fellowship program, a two-year fellowship centered on entrepreneurship and leadership.

For Artistic Presentations

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