Hypertension, Risk Factors, and Education in Healthy College Students Over Time

Level of Education of Students Involved


Faculty Sponsor

Theresa Kessler; Lynette Rayman





Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 4-27-2023


Those with elevated blood pressure (BP) at a young age have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (Zhang et al., 2019). College students are unaware of modifiable factors that increase risk of developing hypertension (HTN) and complications. The purposes of our study are to assess rates of hypertension in college students, help students learn the risk factors for high BP, and improve overall health status. Two conceptual frameworks were used: Neuman Systems Model and The Fogg Behavioral Model (TFBM). Neuman’s model assumes each client is an open system, interacting with risk factors of health (Neuman & Fawcett, 2011). Primary prevention education on risk factors should preclude development of hypertension in healthy college students. TFBM states motivation, ability, and prompts must occur at the same time for behavior to occur (Behavior Model, 2022). At initial screenings at a private midwestern college campus, BP and heart rate were measured. 103 students participated in an online health survey which assessed health history related to hypertension, overall health, and knowledge of hypertension. Education was provided on how risk factors affect BP. The results indicated most college students were unaware of their risk factors and family history regarding hypertension. The majority of students reported normal BP. Additionally, most had normal body weight, body water, and body fat percentages. This study identified factors that influence BP to establish a baseline for management/prevention of HTN. The goal is to have healthier people, lower BP, and prevention of long-term cardiovascular risk.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

We are a group of undergraduate nursing research students participating in independent study research. We are interested in assessing blood pressure trends in presumably healthy college students based on previous literature review and last year's research on vaping statistics on our campus.

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